[Case Study] Ethics Part 2 – Two Sample Questions with Answers

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Ethics Case Study Part 2 You are a young athlete representing India at an international-level competition. During the competition, you witness a few senior athletes injecting something using a syringe, in private. When you approach them, they explain that it is a performance enhancing drug, which is very common in such competitions and you should take the same as well. … Read More

[Case Study] Ethics Part 1 – Two Model Questions with Answers

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Ethics Case Study Part 1 You have been appointed by Election Commission as a booth level officer to oversee the conduct of elections in a remote and under-developed area. For the preparations of elections, you have been instructed to ensure maximum voter turnout. For this, you conduct a series of meetings with the people in villages encouraging them to vote … Read More

Inter-State Council – Background and Composition (Article 263)

Sansar LochanPolitical ScienceLeave a Comment

INTER-STATE COUNCIL (ISC) – Article 263 Why in News? The Inter-State Council and the standing committee of the Inter-State Council have been reconstituted recently. Background 1. Article 263 of the constitution makes provision for the establishment of an Inter-State Council (ISC). 2. Justice R. S. Sarkaria Commission in its report in 1988 recommended the setting up of Inter State Council. … Read More

Role of Opposition in Parliamentary Democracy – Shadow Cabinet Explained

Sansar LochanConstitution of IndiaLeave a Comment


In a democracy such as India the ruling parties or coalitions often do not represent absolute majority of voters and this means that a large number of voters have reposed trust in what constitutes the opposition upon the completion of election process. Thus, the onus of aggregating and articulating the view of people is equally a responsibility of the opposition … Read More

Aristotle’s Idea of the Society and the State as interlinked Institutions

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Man by nature is a political animal – Aristotle According to Aristotle humans are different from animals because they are social as well as political animals. In the given statement there are two components, one is “by nature” which connotes something that is innate and the other one is “political animal” which means the animals who live together in a … Read More

Can a public servant criticize Government Policies?

Sansar LochanEthicsLeave a Comment

Civil Services Conduct Rules, 1964 are provided for a civil servant to maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty, and political neutrality. Few rules, however, prohibit criticism on the part of government servant. For example, Rule 9 restricts any public servant from publishing “in his own name or anonymously or pseudonymously or in the name of any other person” any “statement … Read More

How Intelligence and Character are Both Important for Complete Education?

Sansar LochanEthics1 Comment

Intelligence in terms of good academic performance has traditionally been coterminous with education. However, it is the character that prepares an individual to face life beyond exams. Intelligence along with character helps a man travel the distance between becoming educated and becoming learned. Gandhiji describes knowledge without character as a sin. Purely intellectual development without commensurate internal character development may … Read More