Annexation of Sindh by the British – 1843

Sansar LochanModernLeave a Comment

Three factors influenced the policy of the English towards Sindh. One was that they could have facility for trade with Punjab and north-west India through the river Indus. The second was that Sindh could be occupied by Ranjit Singh which they never desired. The third was the fear of Russian attack on India. That induced the English to extend their … Read More

Evaluation of Various Reforms made by Lord Bentinck in India

Sansar LochanModernLeave a Comment

William Bentinck who remained in India as the governor-general of the English Company between 1828 to 1835 carried out reforms in different fields. Some of his social, educational and humanitarian reforms, certainly, benefited the Indian people. However, it would be wrong to say that he was guided by any concern for the welfare of the Indian people. Of course, he … Read More