5 Reasons Why Aspirants should opt Coaching for UPSC Exam

Sansar LochanGuest Post1 Comment

Are you an IAS aspirant looking to begin your preparation for the 2020 UPSC examination? Are you still uncertain about the best mode of preparation that will suit your needs? Or are you still contemplating whether it is absolutely necessary to take UPSC coaching or will your self-study suffice to succeed and get the desired result in the UPSC exam? … Read More

Factors responsible for the collapse of French power in India

Sansar LochanModernLeave a Comment

The French Company in India was ably served by many capable French officers. Dumas and Dupleix possessed vision; Bussy was a shrewd diplomat and Lally was a daring commander. Yet, the French failed against the English. Various factors were responsible for their failure, such as :- Superior position of the English Company The English company enjoyed superiority against the French … Read More