[Part 2] Short Answers UPSC – Famous Figures in History

Sansar LochanHistory of IndiaLeave a Comment

Give the nationality and contribution of the following famous figures in History: – 

  1. Zoroaster
  2. Leo Tolstoy
  3. Picasso
  4. Freud
  5. Charles Darwin
  6. Edison
  7. Dayanand Saraswati
  8. Ashoka
  9. The Kingdom of Vijaynagar
  10. Harihara and Bukka
  11. Akbar
  12. Lord Bentinck
  13. Sardar Patel


A Persian reformer and the founder of “Zoroastrianism”. He is supposed to be the author of the hymns called Gathes.

Leo Tolstoy

A distinguished Russian author and a great thinker, his writings influenced Mahatma Gandhi. He is the author of War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Resurrection and the End of the Age. Read more about>> The Victorian Era Literary Figures


A Spanish painter who revived his early training in Catalonia and settled in Paris in 1903. His work is found in the public galleries, and private collection all over the world.


Freud was Australian-born professor of Neurology in Vienna University (1902-38), who left Austria for permanent residence in England. Freudian Theory and Psycho-analysis are his great contributions.

Charles Darwin

A distinguished scientist of England who is well-known for his “Theory of Evolution or the Law of Natural Selection.” His chief works are: Origin of Species, Descent of Man, The Expression of Evolution in Man and Animals.


An American inventor who improved printing telegraphy. He became deaf at a very young age. He made a large number of invention including carbon telephone transmitter, megaphone, phonograph, and incandescent bulb.

Dayanand Saraswati

He was a great social and religious reformer in India. He was the founder of Arya Samaj and preached widow remarriage, worked for women’s education and the abolition of untouchability.

Harihara and Bukka

They are sons of Sangama, laid the foundation of the Kingdom of Vijaynagar on the southern bank of Tungabhadra. It flourished from the end of the fourteenth century till the early part of the 17th century. The significance of the Vijaynagar Kingdom in the history of India is that for well nigh three centuries is stood for the older religion and culture of the country and saved them from being engulfed by the rush of new ideas and forces.


Akbar, a Mughal emperor (1556-1605) whose fame rests on his statesmanlike vision and his policy of conciliation with the Hindus – making Rajputs the pillars of the Mughal State. Din-e-ilahi was the outcome of his enlightened outlook. His indelible mark on Indian Art, and Mughal Art reflect the impact of this great ruler of India on the Indian history. Read more about>> Akbar

Lord Bentinck

Lord Bentinck was the Governor-General of India (1828-1835), who introduced a liberal era in administration by his financial, administrative, social and educational reforms. He first introduced English in India. He legally abolished Sati from India.

Sardar Patel

He is known as “Iron Man of India”. He started his political life in 1916. He was imprisoned a number of times; led several Satyagraha movements. He became president of INC in 1931. His greatest achievement is the integration of the Indian States; rightly called Indian Bismarck.

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