Aadhaar Constitutionality Valid : Impact of SC Judgment and Challenges

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On September 26, 2018, a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice of India by a 4:1 majority upheld the validity of Aadhaar but with certain caveats. Background Aadhaar sought to mandatory requirement of demographic and biometric data of an individual which was argued to be against the fundamental right to privacy. Aadhaar Act, 2016 was passed … Read More

Role of Opposition in Parliamentary Democracy – Shadow Cabinet Explained

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In a democracy such as India the ruling parties or coalitions often do not represent absolute majority of voters and this means that a large number of voters have reposed trust in what constitutes the opposition upon the completion of election process. Thus, the onus of aggregating and articulating the view of people is equally a responsibility of the opposition … Read More

A Brief Background of Government of India Act 1935

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Govt. of India Act 1935 Today we will discuss a brief background of Government of India Act 1935 and will try to know how this act developed over a long time. Background The Reforms of 1919 failed to fulfill the aspirations of the people of India. The Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi started for “Swaraj” to be attained through … Read More

States Reorganisation Act, 1956 : Rationale and Features

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Due to accession of Princely States and due to the then haphazard forms of British India territories, need was felt later to re-organise the entire country in a more reasonable and popularly acceptable states and union territories. In order to address this need, a State Reorganisation Committee was constituted in December 1953, with Justice Fazl Ali, K.M. Panikkar and Hridayanath … Read More

Anti-Defection Law : Background, Meaning and Provisions

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anti-defection law

What is Anti-Defection Law? Before defining anti-defection law, we should understand the meaning of defection. When an elected representative joins another party without resigning his present party for benefits, it is called defection. Thus a defector is one who is elected from one party and enjoys power in another party. The word defection is also called as “Floor Crossing” in … Read More

Full Details about First General Elections in India (1951-52)

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First General Elections in India (1951-52) India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic with the adoption of Constitution on 26th January, 1950. General elections to the first Lok Sabha as well as state assemblies were held from October 1951 to February 1952, on the basis of universal adult franchise. Thus India, with a far greater population than that of the USA, … Read More

86th Constitutional Amendment : Free and Compulsory Education

Sansar LochanConstitution of India1 Comment

Article 45 envisages states to provide free and compulsory education. It was not implemented properly. Hence, through 86th constitutional amendment it is made compulsory. The Parliament of India passed the 86th constitutional amendment act in 2002. Accordingly 21A is inserted in the constitution which aimed at making right to education a fundamental right for children between 6 to 14 years … Read More