[UPSC Mains] Questions on The Union Executive and The Union Legislature

Sansar LochanConstitution of IndiaLeave a Comment

In this post we are providing you a list of possible questions on The Union Executive and The Union Legislature. In UPSC Mains examination, you can face these types of questions from our Constitution. We must prepare short notes on the following questions as early as possible because UPSC Mains Exam is very near.

Questions on The Union Executive

  1. Discuss the position of the President in the Constitution.
  2. Discuss the election, qualification and duties of the President of India.
  3. What qualifications are required for the office of the President?
  4. “Though India is described as a “sovereign democratic republic, it might also be described as a constitutional monarchy without a monarch.” – Sir Ivor Jennings. Comment on the statement with reference to the powers and functions of the President.
  5. State the provisions of the Indian Constitution on President’s executive powers.
  6. Discuss legislative powers of the President.
  7. To what protection are the Presidents, the Governors and the Rajpramukhs entitled to, in the matter of civil or criminal proceedings against them?
  8. Write short note on Impeachment of President.
  9. What are the powers and duties of the Vice-President of India.
  10. Write short note on Vice-President.
  11. Discuss the position of the Council of Ministers of the Union.
  12. Give a summary of the provisions of the Constitution relating to the appointment, selection and dismissal of the Prime Minister at the Centre and Chief Ministers in the states. Has the Constitution laid down the qualifications which a person must possess before being appointed to the office of a minister at the Centre or in the Class “A” and “B” States? If “Yes”, enumerate them.
  13. Discuss the duties of the Prime Minister.
  14. Write short note on Prime Minister.
  15. Write short note on Attorney General of India.

Questions on The Union Legislature 

  1. Write short note on the Speaker of the House of People.
  2. What are the disqualifications for membership of Parliament? If a question arises as to whether a member has become subject any of the disqualifications how is the question solved?
  3. What are the disqualifications of membership of Parliament?
  4. Discuss the Privileges and immunities of Members of Parliament.

See also: Possible Questions on Fundamental Rights

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